Wednesday, 17 November 2010


Oil on canvas 12"x9" PRICE: $250
Across from my studio I have the Moira River, here is where I walk my dog every day,this bench is where I seat some time to look at the river
En frente de mi estudio tengo el rio Moira, aqui es donde saco a pasear a mi perro cada dia, este banco es donde me siento algunas veces para contemplar el rio.


billspaintingmn said...

Woderful post Jesus, beautiful painting!
I only wish you and /or your dog were in it!
Yet I can feel that you were there by the way you have painted this scene.
Your artistic preasence is a sure blessing.
Good painting my friend!!

Erik van Elven said...

You've captured the feeling of space really well here Jesus. said...

Thanks Bill, you are right, I should have include my dog at least, poor fellow he is a great dog, and I never portrait him. I will soon, since he is black and white, may be with the snow I could do a nice painting of him said...

Thanks Erik, it was a bit complicated , a lot of color from the leaves but in a cloudy day