Tuesday, 23 November 2010


Oil on canvas 9"x12"Sold / Vendido
This is a painting of a jewelery store at night, in Front st Belleville, I like to do paintings of the night.
Este es un cuadro de una joyeria en la calle Front en Belleville, me gusta hacer cuadros de la noche.


Frank A. said...

Dang ! Nice one, Jesus. You must have painted this one from the middle of the bridge. :)

jesusest@gmail.com said...

thanks Frank,no I didn't have to go that far as the bridge. it is done from a photo reference. it was a strange light,it was not night nor day,"at dusk" i think you say it in English, the man is carrying a bag from giant tiger.

billspaintingmn said...

Hmmm... my imagination has run away with me!
I think that guy might rob that store and get away!
If he does, I will toast to a wonderful dream!
Fun painting Jesus!

jesusest@gmail.com said...

yap that guy looks very suspicious, but not robbery had happens, he is just passing by. thanks bill best wishes to you.