oil on canvas 12"x16" PRICE: Sold/ Vendido
A painting of house in Picton was commissioned , and the new owner is very happy with it.
Se me encargo el cuadro de una casa en Picton, y el nuevo propietario está muy contento con ella.
Welcome to my Blog, all my paintings are for sale, if you are interested to purchase any of them, please contact me by email, jesusest@gmail.com or by phone 613 210 2979. Thank you
A painting of house in Picton was commissioned , and the new owner is very happy with it.
Se me encargo el cuadro de una casa en Picton, y el nuevo propietario está muy contento con ella.
A painting of the Victoria harbor in Belleville with a Yellow boat at the front.
Una pintura del puerto de Victoria en Belleville con un barco amarillo en la parte delantera.
This painting is of the bridge by the Dam, at Moira River.
Este cuadro es del puente y la presa, en el río Moira.